Custom Web Apps vs FileMaker WebDirect

When to use custom web apps rather than FileMaker WebDirect

The world, and particularly technology, is changing and developing at an ever increasing rate. Greater performance and flexibility offers users much more in terms of business improvements and efficiencies. Many bespoke software solutions, used to address specific industry needs now have to adapt and develop remote access capabilities as requirements change in face of these developments. Claris FileMaker has kept pace with these changes, particularly with regards to offering multiple ways to access and modify data via the web. The two ways of achieving this are FileMaker WebDirect and custom web apps built specifically to suit your needs.

Let’s look at some of the benefits and drawbacks of both options.

FileMaker WebDirect

FileMaker WebDirect, making use of layouts directly from FileMaker, rendering them directly to your browser, allows for nearly identical functionality giving users the same experience as they have in the office with FileMaker on their desktop.

  • Pros of FileMaker WebDirect
    • WebDirect is included with your FileMaker Server license so there is no additional cost. It is easy to use and can be set up via the FileMaker Server admin console. WebDirect contains many security features natively, such as OAuth, authentication, and encryption straight out of the box. Another major benefit to WebDirect is that you don’t need a developer to maintain or update pages as all changes are made natively in FileMaker Pro and updated on the web in real time.
  • Cons of FileMaker WebDirect
    • There are a few cons with using WebDirect. One is browser compatibility. WebDirect is compatible with most modern browsers, however it can have issues with mobile browsers and some desktop browsers. Another is that WebDirect is limited to FileMaker objects only. Some of those can have compatibility issues, including limiting interactive content, unsupported functions, and dialogs and script triggers raising odd results
  • Use Cases for FileMaker WebDirect
    • A great example where WebDirect is the ideal solution is a remote engineer time-tracking sheet where users can sign in and add or modify entries indicating hours worked. Using WebDirect allows the user to log information from anywhere without the need for any complex application. Another excellent use is a simple CRM. If the user needs to look up information regarding a contact for a job or details of an order, they can quickly sign in, search and display the information for that contact or order.

While WebDirect is great for these simple needs, it sometimes isn’t quite robust enough to handle larger solutions. This is where custom web applications come in.

Custom Web Apps

A custom web app is a customised solution built from the ground up to meet your specific needs. A custom web app can be used to provide online shopping websites, project management tools, customer portals and much more. Indeed a web app can address almost every business need.

  • Pros of Web Apps
    • A custom application is totally customisable. While WebDirect supports only FileMaker objects, a custom application allows for much more freedom to meet needs specific to your business. With the ability to implement features, such as use of icons or drag-and-drop, items that are unobtainable in FileMaker. Another pro of a custom application is performance and compatibility, they are often more performant than WebDirect, partifularly for more complex requirements and are compatible with all modern browsers.
  • Cons of Custom web apps
    • First and foremost, the largest perceived con with a custom web application is the upfront cost as they must be built from the ground up, it’s not as simple as just pulling FileMaker layouts onto the web. Custom applications can be expensive, requiring development costs, any licensing for API integrations, or additional server requirements. Another con when compared to WebDirect is that changes need to be made to the app as well as FileMaker.
  • Use Cases for Web Apps
    • Custom web apps offer a wide range of functions and capabilities which lead to a wide variety of potential uses. One of these is an online project management software tool specifically designed to meet your organisation’s unique processes. Custom web apps allow us to create features like Kanban boards, dynamic goal-tracking graphics and charts, and many other helpful functionalities. Another possible solution is an online storefront or customer portal which allows users to track and manage services and information. These larger-scale and more robust applications are at their best when developed specifically for the web.

WebDirect vs web app – Conclusion

Integrating FileMaker with the web is a great step to bringing your solutions to a wider audience, but there are many considerations. A simple deployment of FileMaker WebDirect may be optimal for the deployment of a small solution to a limited pool of users, while a larger audience may require a custom application built from the ground up. If you’re interested in expanding your solution onto the web with FileMaker WebDirect or a custom web app, contact us if you have any questions or need advice.
