Goodbye 2024, Hello 2025
Another year gone; time seems to fly by these days!
And what a year it was for us here at Compass Data, with new colleagues, new clients and even a new office!
This year, the advances in FileMaker such as the introduction of AI have introduced many exciting new opportunities for us as developers and has changed how our clients use their systems. It has unlocked many new features, improving both staff and customer satisfaction as well as new opportunities for business improvements and efficiencies.
Indeed, we’ve integrated client systems with other technologies, some new – some not so new, which have significantly improved their performance, effectiveness and have led to increased margins and revenue for our clients.
Some of the interesting projects the team have worked on include a supplier quality control system for a large European household name and a field engineering system which reads handwritten script on a pipe in ‘hostile’ environments such as oil and gas processing plants and converting it to text with a 98% accuracy, thus reduces the manual input required by engineers on site. This has shortened the time an engineer is required on site and reduced the number of input errors, reducing cost and improving stock control. It has also allowed the client to offer new and improved services and increase market share.
Get in touch and let’s see what we can do for you next year
Over the Christmas period our office hours will be:
- December 24th closed at 12:00 apart from SLA calls
- December 25th and 26th Closed
- December 27th to 31st open for emergency cover for SLA clients
- January 1st Closed
- 2nd January 2025 Normal office hours onwards.
So as 2024 comes to an end I want to say a big thank you to all our clients, old and new and I wish you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.